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First Letter
2 (1) | 5 (2) | 6 (1) | A (130) | B (21) | C (53) | D (47) | E (60) | F (42) | G (29) | H (41) | I (23) | J (14) | K (52) | L (26) | M (122) | N (43) | O (33) | P (76) | Q (8) | R (46) | S (87) | T (73) | U (11) | V (3) | W (24) | X (7) | Y (15) | Z (6)
Microgrids, Power electronics, Renewable integrations, Renewable-based power systems
Differential equations, Mathematical modeling, Multi-agent systems
Monte Carlo, Wireless communication
artificial intelligence, Deep learning, Generative AI and LLMs
Finite element methods, fluid-structure interactions, mixed finite elements, numerical analysis
visual computing, visualization, News
infectious disease, News
Network, specialized hardware architectures, Seminar
Multigrid, Neural Operator, Public Colloquium
decision trees, News
combinatorial optimization, data mining, knowledge discovery, machine learning, News
Decision Trees Versus Systems of Decision Rules
Combinatorial machine learning, combinatorial optimization, decision trees, machine learning, machine learning algorithm, News
Spotlight, News
exascale, High Performance Computing, parallel computing, News
News Clip, News
6G, atmospheric turbulence, pointing errors, News
statistics, virtual reality, News
supercomputing, News
geometry processing, shape analysis
data analysis, MATLAB, Programming language, Web Technologies
PhD Dissertation Defense
dispersive waves, oceanic waves, Seminar
phase-field models, Public Colloquium
Cahn-Hilliard equations, nonlinear stability, splitting methods, Course
Cucker-Smale orientation dynamics, Fokker-Planck equations, Keller-Segel-type models, McKean-Vlasov equations, Public Colloquium
grants, News
KAUST-CEMSE-ECRC-Compress to impress with AI hardware
Public Colloquium
McKean-Vlasov SDEs, stochastic gradient descent, Public Colloquium
PhD Dissertation Defense
applied mathematics, Seminar
mean-field games, PhD Dissertation Defense
Applied Machine Learning, energy, minimization, numerical methods, Public Colloquium
numerical analysis, numerical methods, Seminar
numerical analysis, PDEs, Workshop
Conservation Laws, Partial Differential Equations