Bayesian Estimation, Geophysical Fluid Modeling, Red Sea, uncertainty quantification |
optical communication, quantum communication |
machine learning |
machine learning, optimization |
applied mathematics, computing, statistics, News |
Graduate Seminar |
Reinforcement Learning, Seminar |
Mathematics and Applications Colloquium |
autonomous driving, Estimation Theory, University of Minnesota, Seminar |
Seminar |
numerical methods, stochastic differential equations, uncertainty quantification, News |
flow problems, Mathematical modeling, numerical methods, porous media, Workshop |
Graduate Seminar |
News |
Graduate Seminar |
Course |
Course |
Course |
Applied PDE's, Computational mathematics, numerical methods for PDE's |
fluid dynamics, High Performance Computing, machine learning |
data assimilation, probability theory, Seminar |
Mar 21, 09:00 - Mar 23, 17:30, IVth KAUST MaS Workshop on Modelling and Simulation (B3 L5 R5209), speakers from KAUST, Birmingham, Graz, Utrecht, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Buffalo, Linz, Weissach, Lugano, Kaliningrad, Heidelberg, State College, Philadelphia, Torino, Riyadh
Applied Partial Differential Equations, Workshop |