NumPDE Workshop: Numerical Analysis of PDEs
Sunday 26/01 (morning, 8.45-13.30) - Auditorium between Building 2 and Building 3; Sunday 26/01 (afternoon, from 13.45) - Building 9, Room 2322 (Lecture Hall); Monday 27/01 and Tuesday 28/01 - Auditorium between Building 4 and Building 5
Georgios Grekas
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences
Yang Liu
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences
Håkon A. Hoel
Visiting Researcher, Stochastic Numerics Research Group
Erik von Schwerin
Research Scientist, Stochastic Numerics Research Group
Evangelia Kalligiannaki
Research Scientist, Stochastic Numerics Research Group
David Keyes
Senior Associate to the President, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology