aeroacoustics, computational fluid dynamics, High Performance Computing, high speed flows |
Federated learning, optimization |
free boundary problems, nonlinear PDEs, regularity |
Distinguished Lectures of Mathematics and Applications |
Seminar |
Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
applications to finance, applications to neuroscience, copulas, data science, Environmental Statistics, extreme-value theory, geostatistics, machine learning, spatio-temporal statistics, Statistics of extremes |
computational fluid dynamics, Runge-Kutta methods |
bayesian inference, Computational finance, computational statistics, data assimilation, hierarchical and sparse approximation, numerical analysis, optimal control, optimal experimental design, stochastic differential equations, stochastic optimization, uncertainty quantification |
News |
Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations, parallel computing, stochastic differential equations, Seminar |
stochastic, Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
earth science and engineering, News |
commencement, News Clip, News |
earth science and engineering, marine science, oceanography, Red Sea, News |
Bayesian Estimation, geophysical fluid systems, uncertainty quantification, News |
Graduate Seminar |
Seminar |
Course |
Course |
extreme weather, statistics, News |
earth science and engineering, environment, marine science, Red Sea, News |
Numerical Optimization, robotics, Self-Replicating Robots, Stochastic Optimal Control |
artificial intelligence, complex models, Computer science, machine learning, reliability testing, reproducibility issues, scientific enterprise, Workshop |
artificial intelligence, complex models, Computer science, machine learning, reliability testing, reproducibility issues, scientific enterprise, Workshop |
artificial intelligence, complex models, Computer science, machine learning, reliability testing, reproducibility issues, scientific enterprise, Workshop |
Research |
Research |
Research |
Mar 28, 08:30 - Mar 30, 17:00, Research conference "Flow Simulation at the Exascale: Opportunities, challenges and its application in the industry" (KAUST Library), Matteo Parsani, David Keyes, Rasha Al Jahdali, Lisandro Dalcin, Bilel Hadri, Hong Im, Ravi Samtaney, Gabriel Wittum
Conference |
acoustic-elastic metamaterials, Graduate Seminar |
News Clip, News |
statistics, weather, News |
Equations, Prandtl, Reversal, Stationary, Lecture |
applied mathematics, computational acoustics, ocean circulation, underwater acoustics |
Graduate Seminar |
Asymptotic Performance Analysis, gamma-convergence |
algorithm, image-capture, remote-piloting, UAV, News |
Graduate Seminar |
applied mathematics, biomechanics, cardiac simulation, computational mechanics, contact problems, Domain Decomposition, Finite elements, fluid-structure interactions, geology, HPC, machine learning, medicine, Multigrid, Multiphysics Simulation, Numerical Optimization, Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations, optimization, software development |
Spotlight, News |
Statistics of extremes |