uncertainty quantification |
machine learning, Signal processing, Wireless Communications |
exageostat, extreme computing, large-scale computing, machine learning, parallel algorithms, Statistical computing |
LiDAR, optical computing |
Seminar |
scientific computing, Workshop |
Applied Partial Differential Equations, parallel simulations, Public Colloquium |
Graduate Seminar |
Mathematics and Applications Colloquium |
energy security, statistics, News |
Environmental Statistics, statistics, Spotlight, Awards, News |
earth science and engineering, renewable energy, seismic, solar energy, News |
FMCW radar, MIMO and Passive radar, target parameter estimation, transmit beampattern design |
Seminar |
Seminar |
Seminar |
supercomputing, News |
disaster management, Environmental Statistics, statistics, News |
Compressed Sensing Approach, Multi-carrier Systems |
6G, global connectivity, Wireless Communications, wireless networks, News |
Phononic Crystals |
ReLU Neural Network, Sobolev Spaces, Public Colloquium |
Kinetic Theory, Measure Valued Solutions, Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation |
computational thermodynamics, computational transport phenomena, Finite element methods, numerical analysis, numerical oil reservoir simulations |
applied mathematics, mobile, News |
Analysis of PDE's, biological network and complex systems, Gradient flows, Mathematical modeling, Measure theory, Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation |
Computer science, environment, statistics, News |
earth science and engineering, oceanography, Red Sea, News |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
Neuronal ensembles, neuroscience, Stochastiic Variability, Graduate Seminar |
Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
Seminar |
deep learning, seismic processing |
machine learning, stochastic algorithm |
healthcare, statistics, News |
Course |
applied statistics, Graduate Seminar |
Bayesian computational statistics, ecology, healthcare, statistics, News |
energy, ITER, KAUST, nuclear fission, News |
Seminar |
numerical analysis, uncertainty quantification |
Computational finance, Stochastic processes |
computational fluid dynamics, CFD, Graduate Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
spatio-temporal data analysis, statistics, PhD Dissertation Defense |
computational efficiency, numerical integration, pitfalls, splitting methods, Public Colloquium |
computational methods, data analysis, environmental applications, Awards, News |
News |
Relative Energy Analysis, relative energy method, PhD Dissertation Defense |
big data, extreme statistics, statistics, News |
Event |
mean-field games, PhD Dissertation Defense |
forecasting, nonlinearity, solar energy, solar irradiance analysis, statistical analysis, TAR model, Graduate Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
SPDEs, statistics, Graduate Seminar |
climate data, statistical models, Graduate Seminar |
extreme weather, News |
mathematical modelling, Partial Differential Equations |
Finite element methods, Multiphase flows, scientific computing, Turbulence |
neuroscience, statistics, News |
Seminar |
Workshop |
machine learning, statistical learning, stochastic algorithms, Workshop |
News |
machine learning, statistical learning, stochastic algorithms, Workshop |
Markovian projection, sampling, Public Colloquium |
student focus, Spotlight, News |
student focus, Spotlight, News |
Bayesian Estimation, Geophysical Fluid Modeling, uncertainty quantification, News |
COVID-19, genomics, human health, News |
Graduate Seminar |
data analysis, extreme computing, fossil fuels, seismic imaging, News |
artificial intelligence, computer networks, embedded systems, energy efficiency, intrusion detection, IoT, machine learning |
groups, monstrous moonshine, symmetric polynomials, symmetry, Lecture |