PCCFD - Predictive Complex Computational Fluid Dynamics David Keyes, Senior Associate to the President, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology May 22, 08:45 - May 24, 05:00 B9 L2 H1 CFD algorithms applied mathematics numerical analysis Computer science The PCCFD workshop will focus on cutting-edge research in the field of algorithmic development for CFD and multi-scale complex flow simulations.
Welcome at Kaust UQ School On Numerical Methods For Direct And Inverse Problems 2016 22-28 May Raul Tempone, Professor, Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences May 22, 12:00 - May 28, 12:00 B9 H1 R2322 numerical methods stochastic differential equations statistics KAUST UQ SCHOOL 2016 is an annual base thematic conference at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology held by Raul Tempone, Professor of Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences at CEMSE (Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences & Engineering Division). Tempone’s interests in the mathematical foundation of computational science and engineering are reflected in this summer school. The school’s goal is to provide participants with an overview on the most recent research progress in the field of uncertainty quantification, with emphasis to • Multi-Level and Multi-Index
Parametric Problems, Stochastic, and Identification By Prof. Hermann Matthies (ISCTUB, Germany) Prof. Hermann Matthies, Institute of Scientific Computing TU Braunschweig, Geramany Mar 6, 15:00 - 16:00 B1 R4102 Parameter identification problems are formulated in a probabilistic language, where the randomness reflects the uncertainty about the knowledge of the true values. This setting allows conceptually easily incorporating new information, e. g. through a measurement, by connecting it to Bayes's theorem. The unknown quantity is modelled as a (may be high-dimensional) random variable. Such a description has two constituents, the measurable function and the measure.
Scalable Hierarchical Algorithms for eXtreme Computing Workshop David Keyes, Senior Associate to the President, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Apr 28, 08:00 - Apr 30, 16:00 KAUST scientific computing The 2012 SHAX-C workshop focuses international expert attention on the prospects for the three great hierarchical algorithms of scientific computing: multigrid, fast transforms, and fast multipole methods. These methods are kernels in simulations based on formulations of partial differential equations, integral equations, and interacting particles – in short, they are scientific and engineering workhorses.